New Year Resolutions You’ll Want To Keep

It’s a brand-new year which is also the perfect time for some new beginnings. Instead of focusing on common goals like weight loss, saving money or getting more sleep (all great ideas, by the way), we wanted to share some suggestions for easy resolutions that are almost impossible not to keep! Get ready to recharge, renew & race into 2018!

Breathe Deeply – Here’s one that is easy and helpful to your body. Set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to take a few deep breaths during the day. Doing this once in the morning and once at night is a great way to settle your mind. Deep breathing can also help reduce stress and promotes better blood flow throughout your body!

Give Thanks – These two small words can have a big impact. Make it a point to say thanks to anyone that makes your day a little brighter. This is especially effective for noticing all the little, nice things that people do for you during the course of the day. Vocally thanking people for their kindness is a great way to connect to those around you.

Plan Something –  While we typically remind ourselves to live each day in the present moment, planning something fun for the future can serve as a big boost to your happiness level. Your future plans could be big and involve an overnight trip with friends to something a bit simpler like picking a specific night to try out a new culinary dish at home. Either way, it will give you something rewarding to look forward to down the road!

Get Outside – Spend some time outside in the sunshine to improve your mood and your health. Vitamin D, known as “the sunshine vitamin”, supports healthy bones, your immune system and even lung functions. So grab a friend and find a beach, a trail, a park or any place that you can soak up the sun.

Speaking of outside, there’s one resolution we can help out with; keeping mosquitoes away from your yard! Our barrier sprays not only help control mosquitoes but fleas and ticks as well. If mosquitoes have you going crazy, then take a deep breath and make plans to give Mosquito Joe of North Atlanta a call so you can get back to being outside. You’ll thank yourself later!
