Mosquito Control Awareness Week 2016

While everyone probably knows that this week is Shark Week, to us here at Mosquito Joe of North Atlanta it is Mosquito Control Awareness Week (MCAW)! Each year, the American Mosquito Control Association recognizes this week as Mosquito Control Control Awareness week in an effort to educate the public about the diseases and illnesses carried by mosquitoes as well as commend those who dedicate their time to fighting off mosquitoes. We are proud to announce that we will be partnering with the American Mosquito Control Association this year with our own program called Beat the Bloodsuckers!

‘Beat the Bloodsuckers’ Campaign

We take this opportunity to educate those in the Atlanta, Georgia area about mosquito-borne illnesses and prevention by reaching out to local organizations and providing education around mosquitoes and other mosquito control topics, such as how to control the mosquito population around your home and how to avoid mosquito bites.

As new customers hear about our services and sign up, we will make a 10% donation of new customer sales during Mosquito Control Awareness Week to local blood donation centers. So let your friends know about our participation! The more people new customers, the more that will go towards a great cause!


June Has Arrived!

The winter has long ended and the weather has been warming up here in Atlanta, Georgia. In no time at all summer will be here, the kids will be off from school and you and your family will be enjoying the warmth of the summer sun. A little fun fact, June is National Iced Tea Month and with this lovely weather, a glass of iced tea sounds like a refreshing way to prepare for the summer.

Things have been crazy for us here at Mosquito Joe of North Atlanta as everyone gears up for the summer season. Nobody wants to spend their time outside battling off mosquitoes when they could be relaxing or playing in their yard. That’s why our service ensures that you and your family will be able to properly enjoy your leisure time outside.

The Zika virus has still been making rounds through the news and we encourage you all to read over our tips for reducing your exposure to mosquitoes. Since there is still no cure for the virus, the best way defense is to avoid contact with the culprits that are known for carrying it, mosquitoes. Here at Mosquito Joe of North Atlanta, we want everyone to be able to go outside and have fun in their yards without the hassle of mosquitoes ruining their day. On top of that, we also want everyone to be safe from diseases like Zika and West Nile that mosquitoes are known to carry. We are constantly running deals on mosquito control for new customers here in Atlanta so please make sure to take a look or give us a call for a free quote at 404-996-1381.


The Zika Virus

Hello, Atlanta and welcome to Mosquito Joe of North Atlanta’s first blog post! In light of recent events in the news regarding the Zika virus, I’d like to take this opportunity to write a bit about the virus and how you can help keep yourself and your family safe. At the moment, there is no cure for the virus so the best protection is prevention.

What is Zika?

As you may already be aware, Zika is the disease which is caused by the Zika virus. Mosquitoes are the known culprits which have been spreading this disease to people, particularly the Aedes mosquito species.

Where is Zika?

While small cases of Zika have occurred in African countries like Uganda since the 1940’s, it recently made the news when an outbreak hit Brazil in 2015. Since then, Zika has made its way to the United States, with 346 cases to date!

The CDC has a map that shows all states within the United States that have reported cases of Zika, 11 of which have occurred in Georgia alone.

What are the symptoms?

The virus only affects about 1 in every 5 people that come into contact with it. For the most part, the symptoms seem to be very mild at first, with the most common symptoms being fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red eyes). Symptoms typically begin 2 to 7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.

How can it be prevented?

So far, the best way to prevent Zika is to reduce your exposure to mosquitoes. Since mosquitoes love standing water, start by eliminating any sources of standing water you find on your property. Here are some examples of where you might find standing water:

  • Flowerpots, tires or children’s toys
  • Drains or gutters
  • Low areas on your deck or throughout your yard
  • Garbage bags or extra yard-clippings

Make sure that anytime you find yourself outside you wear protective clothing such as long pants or long sleeves or apply mosquito repellent as directed.

For those of you that feel you want a more effective solution for mosquito control, take a look at our services page to see if we can help with your needs or give us a call at 404-996-1381 for a free quote today.
