Meet a Joe: Adriana Sparks

Meet a Joe: Adriana Sparks

*Occasionally we like to provide a blog post that will help you get to know Joe. From our technicians to our office staff – we think our company is full of people you ought to know! *

This week we’d like to introduce you to a member of our staff, Adriana! As co-owner for Mosquito Joe of North Atlanta, she dedicates herself to the overall organization and efficiency of Mosquito Joe. We are so excited to have Marcela in the MoJo family!

Here are some fun facts about Adriana, so you can get to know her like we have!

Q: What led you to work for Mosquito Joe?

After Jack and I bought the franchise in 2015, I continued to work in the healthcare field for two years. This year, I will be working full time taking over the “behind the scenes” or operations ensuring that every customer has the best experience with our services and loves our company.

Q: What are the biggest strengths professionally that you bring to the Mosquito Joe team?

I like to take care of each customer as if they were under my care. However, this is not something I can do by myself. I believe one should have excellent care no matter which department you are dealing with. It is important to have a strong team and support system to act as the backbone of the company and I believe that is something we excel at. This was my mindset when I worked at a hospital so naturally this is the same mindset I have at Mosquito Joe.

Q: If you had to explain your job to a five-year-old, how would you describe it? Or, if you have children, how would your child explain what you do?

We go to homes to make sure we get rid of mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. By doing this, we make outside fun again! Our service allows people to enjoy their yard with their families and pets without having to worry about being bitten by mosquitoes.

Q: Your favorite Mosquito Joe tagline and why?

My favorite tagline is “Tired of being the main course?”. I think it summarizes how I feel when grilling outside on a nice spring/summer day, but in a very comical way. Instead of just you eating, you are also the one being eaten by mosquitoes.

Q: If you could donate $1 million to any charity, what charity would it be and why?

If I could donate $1 million to charity, I would give it to St Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Their research focuses on children’s catastrophic diseases and pediatric treatment. It is an organization that I hold very close to my heart.  It is amazing that in times of uncertainty, you can turn to them for support and they will be there every step of the way.

Q: If you could invite three people to a party, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

If I could invite anyone to a party, I would choose my younger brother, mother, and husband. My mother and brother passed away before they had the opportunity to meet Jack, and I think they all would have really liked each other.
